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Transform Your Warhammer 40K Skill Level in 7 Days or Less with the #1 Community for Casual, Competitive 40K Players
Transform Your Warhammer 40K Skill Level in 7 Days or Less with the #1 Community for Casual, Competitive 40K Players
Click Play Below!
What is Nights at the Game Table?
The Nights at the Game Table Community is for casual players that want to play games that are balanced and competitive in Warhammer 40K. 

Whether you play in competitions or not, you’ll find a lot to love in the community with hyper-focused, value-packed videos, audios, and more, that will reveal to you strategies and tactics without overwhelming you with “filler” content. 

In 7 days or less by grabbing one of the few Seats at Nights at the Game Table, you will become a part of a community-focused group of casual players that are not afraid to be consistently competitive in Warhammer 40K. 
What’s Included?
In the Nights at the Game Table Community, you get:
  •  EXCLUSIVE Over 5 Hours of EPIC Members Exclusive Battle Reports
You’ll get exclusive access to over 5 hours of Members Exclusive Battle Reports!

Included with each Analysis is a quick 10 minute breakdown of the strategies, tactics, lessons, and army list being used by the winner of each of our Weekly Battle Reports.  

These are designed to be “fluff-free” and “non-filler” unlike some other battle reports out there that waste your time preventing you from playing or painting more! 

This means that in 20 minutes or less, secrets are revealed so you can get those quick “aha” moments that can mean the difference between repeatedly losing and feeling frustrated or consistently winning your next Warhammer 40K battles, without being “cheesy”.  

These are EXCLUSIVE to the Nights at the Game Table community. 
  • EXCLUSIVE Over 6 Hours of Codex Analysis
You’ll get exclusive access to over 6 hours of Codex Breakdowns!

Each Codex Breakdown is an in-depth 45-60 minute analysis of each faction’s Codex.

Just like the Battle Report analysis, these are designed to be “fluff-free” and “non-filler” unlike some other battle reports out there so you can save your time towards other activity in the hobby.

In 60 minutes or less, the top 10 expert-level strategies, combos, and tactics are REVEALED from each Codex so you put together a winning Army List, play skillfully, and save money on models that have little to no value towards winning.

As before, these “aha” moments can spell the difference between you losing or winning your next Warhammer 40K battle.

In addition, you’ll save a ton of money on plastic and resin in the future!

These are available to use in easy to consume audios that you can go through on your phone while on the go, from your tablet, or on your computer, so you can easily consume the material, 100% EXCLUSIVE to the Nights at the Game Table community.
Below Exclusive Bonus MasterClass tailored to You
  • EXCLUSIVE 3 HOUR Speed Painting Course by Matt DiPietrio, from multiple Golden Daemon and Crystal Brush Award Winner
You get exclusive access to a 3 hour Speed Painting course by Golden Daemon and Crystal Brush Award winner Matt DiPietrio with simple, step by step instructions on Speed Painting.

In these lessons, he takes you through how to paint 5 miniatures in the core colors, including two of the most difficult colors, black and white.

In less than 9 hours of painting, you’ll have an entire Army painted to a “high standard” so you never have to be ashamed of your Army List presentation ever again.

If you have unpainted models and boxes of models backed up, you’ll finally be able to get these models built and ready by saving time on painting without sacrificing quality.
  • EXCLUSIVE BONUS AVAILABLE! You can receive a complimentary Nights At The Game Table Dice Tray that is not made available to the public and cannot be purchased ANYWHERE!
As a Member, you’ll be envied by your hobby friends as they see you with your exclusive Nights at the Game Table Dice Tray
  • With NEW Exclusive Analysis, Strategies, Tactics, Secrets, and MORE revealed EVERY SINGLE WEEK!
In Summary, You Get...
  • EXCLUSIVE Private Community on Facebook
  •  Over 5 Hours of MEMBERS EXCLUSIVE Battle Report Analysis
  •  Over 6 Hours of EXCLUSIVE Codex Analysis in video and audio form 
  •  EXCLUSIVE LIVE Masterclass on Building a Balanced and Competitive List
  •  EXCLUSIVE 3 HOUR Speed Painting Course by Matt DiPietrio, Golden Daemon and Crystal Brush Award Winner ($500 Value) 
  •  EXCLUSIVE Nights at the Dice Tray ($97 Value)
  •  EXCLUSIVE NEW Battle Reports Analysis, Strategies, Tactics, Secrets, and MORE revealed EVERY SINGLE WEEK! 
Total Value: $579 of Actual Retail Value + Priceless Value that you 
can’t get anywhere else!
Just Imagine…
You can finally never find yourself frustrated, confused, lost, overwhelmed, from the game that you love to play.

By becoming a Nights at the Game Table member, you’ll never have to feel those feelings that take away from the joys of playing Warhammer 40K with your friends, family, and loved ones.

Instead, you’ll be envied and looked up to since you always seem to “have it together” when you are playing at the game table.

You’ll have a tribe of fans following your every decision around the game table.

This could be YOU.
But You Don't Have Long Until The Doors Are Shut...
Jump in, try it, and get started so you can be consistently competitive at Warhammer 40K and have a ton of fun in the process!

Nights at the Game Table is backed by a 100% money back guarantee so you can sign up, try it, and if you don’t like it, we will just give you your money back.

It’s more important to us that we have a community of hobbyist that really enjoy the vault and the community.

For the cost of two lattes, you don’t have to be left out of the most exclusive, valuable Warhammer 40K gaming community that was made just for you.  
Guarantee: 100% Money Back Guarantee!
If you are not satisfied with the Nights at the Game Table exclusive experience, content, and community over the next 30 days, and we cannot resolve your satisfaction, you will receive your money back. This way you can try the community and see if it’s for you.
My name is Adam Lyons and I started Nights at the Game Table
I wanted to give my son what my father gave to me when he got me into the hobby.

I still remember sitting around painting with my dad back when I was 8, and how it was some of the best days of my childhood.  Then when my son started getting closer to 8, I knew that I wanted to give him the same experience that I had. 

However, this was difficult. Nowadays with things like Youtube and video games, board games like Warhammer 40K struggle to compete for their attention.

That’s when I first had the idea to create a Youtube channel dedicated to showing how much fun someone can have in the hobby.

We wanted to create a channel that shows just how fun the game is, many of the other battle reports were hours long, and my son just didn’t have the attention span to watch them.

Initially, I didn’t expect anyone else to enjoy the edited battle reports, but over time we were swamped with comments from viewers who said they enjoyed the content we created, so we kept on doing it, and now it’s evolved into a thriving, passionate community driven by your feedback. 

So thank you.

I’m dedicated to providing the best Warhammer 40K video experience I can, to make our content easily digestible, and to give you the best tips and tactics in the easiest way to learn.

With our private, exclusive members area, we really hope to give you all of that and so much more.

This is why I’m so dedicated to this community and bringing you everything you want out of the Warhammer 40K hobby.
Don't Miss Your last chance to join the Night at The Game Table Community
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